
Meiland Essay Paragraph 2

Kota Funakawa
Professor Owen JAMES
ARW Section AI
31 May 2007

Meiland Essay Paragraph 2
  Secondly, the college allows you exchange opinions. This point is similar to Meiland’s argument that students should ask questions in class (Meiland 19). College is made for pursuing the truth so their opinions require to be examined by others’ sceptical suspending view. For example when you asked question, you have to answer. If you don’t know specific or have the idea with no evidence, you can’t answer so you have to study details harder and search the evidence. As a result, you get deeper understanding. At the same time questioner is getting new information from you. Taking examination also leads getting the new perspective. When you asked, you might be unable to answer because of the questioner’s new perspective. But it is important for you because the new perspective allows you rethink your own opinion. If you could accept it, you can correct your idea or make it more reliable. For those reasons, exchanging your own idea is important and the opportunity for bartering ideas is mainly given in college study so college study is not useless.

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